Creating an event using the Calendar function of your administrator account will allow you to inform your users and the public of important events your organization may have in the upcoming future. The event listing will be displayed on both the Calendar in the User Account, and the public page.

Step 1


First Login to Your Administrator Account.

Step 2

Click Calendar / Events on the left navigation menu, then press "Click here to add an event."


Step 3

Choose which sites you wish your event listing to be displayed on. You can choose the your "Main Site Only," or specific sites of your choice. Please see screenshot below.


Step 4

Choose whether you wish to display your event listing on the public page by ticking off the first check box. 

Fill out the date/time, event name, and type (You can choose to create your own event category if you wish). Then write a option short description of your event if you wish. Click Submit this Event to submit the event listing into the system.
