This article will show you how to enable/disable links to individual player statistics for your site.

Step 1


First Login to Your Administrator Account.


Step 2


If applicable, from the Sites page, select the site you want to work on 


Step 3

After choosing a site, you will be taken to the Site Settings page for that site.  Scroll down, looking for the Do you want personal information shown on the site? question, and ensure that it is set to “Yes”. Save any changes you may have made.

Step 4

Switch to the Stats & Standings tab.  On that page, look for the Will you be keeping player stats? question, and ensure that that is also set to “Yes”.  If you make any changes to the settings, be sure to save them before leaving the page/tab by either scrolling to the bottom and clicking the blue Save button, or by clicking the green save disk in the bottom-right corner of the page.