Sometimes you will need to move a registrant from one event to another (i.e. if they accidentally registered for the wrong event).

Step 1

Login to your Administrator account and go to the Registrations page (under the Registration & Membership section)

Step 2

Next to the registration where the registrant you would like to move is currently in, click on the Actions menu then click "View Registrants."

Step 3

Find the person you need to move and click the "Move" link under the Actions menu.

Step 4

From the dropdown list, select the event you wish to move the registrant to, then click Next Step.

Step 5

When moving over the registrant, choose whether you are adding or deducting fees as a result of the move.

*NOTE* This will add a record to the Payment Report for accounting purposes only. Any funds originally paid by the registrant will NOT be automatically refunded.  Additional funds charged will NOT be processed through the system. 

Step 6

If the event has custom questions, you will be prompted to answer them (the answers submitted from the original registration will be shown so you can copy and paste them over) 

When finished, click Move to move the registrant to this registration.