This article will show you how to set up an Early Bird Pricing for your events.
Step 1
Login to your Administrator account and access the Registrations page (under the Registration & Membership section) .
Step 2
Create a New Event Registration. Once you have finished creating a new event registration, you will be taken to a form where you can add your prices. If you have already have an existing registration, select Pricing & Age Restrictions from the Actions menu.
Step 3
First you will enter your Early Bird pricing. Set the prices for members and non-members, then under "Price Expiry Date" set the date in which the Early Bird Pricing will end for your registrants. Click Submit to submit your prices into the system.
Step 4
Next you will enter your "Regular Pricing". Click +Add Price. This follows the same steps as above, but this time do not set an expiry for this. Once the Early Bird Price expires in the previous step, the pricing will default to the Regular Pricing.
However, if you have late pricing, then you will also need to set an expiry date for the Regular Pricing as well. Repeat this step, but do not set an expiry date for the late pricing.
Here is an overview of how the Early Bird Pricing set up looks when completed.