If you have created Team Registrations under SMART, you can check the status of each invited player on a team to see if they have completed all required steps and notify them if they are missing anything (i.e. deficient)

Step 1

Login to your Administrator account and access the SMART Administration area of your account.

Step 2

Next to your team registration, click on the Registrant List as highlighted below.

Step 3

If the team has a red exclamation icon next to it, that means one or more of the players in the team have deficiencies.

Step 4

Under the actions menu, click on the View Roster button.

Step 5

The next page will bring up the list of Non-Player Personnel and Players. If there is a red exclamation next to their name, they are deficient. Hover your mouse over the red-box to see what they are missing. In this example, one of these players have not accepted the Event Waiver. You can click on the red exclamation to send them and email advising of their deficiencies.

Step 6

If the team doesn't have a red exclamation next to their name, that means the team has no deficient players and they are ready to go.