Before you can start assigning people shifts, you will need to create Jobs,Locations, and Shifts first. Please read the articles listed below first.


Jobs in Volunteer Manager

Creating Locations in Volunteer Manager

Creating Shifts in Volunteer Manager

Step 1

Login to your Administrator account and access the SMART Administration area of your account.


Step 2

Click on Volunteer Manager on the left navigation menu.


Step 3a

Under your Volunteer Manager Instance, select the Actions menu, and select Assign Shifts as indicated below.

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Step 3b

Choose the Job, Shift, then click Continue. You can assign multiple shifts at once, or just a single specific shift using the dropdown.

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Step 3c

Alternatively, you can also access the Shifts page first, then assign volunteers to a specific shift for that Job by clicking Assign.

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Step 4

On this page, the shift details are shown at the top. You will also see the list of Volunteers available or meet the prerequisites and the Availability Block(s) you selected for this Job. 

The statuses of each volunteer (in Step 5) are indicated via the coloured boxes.

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Step 5

From the Volunteer list, select your volunteer(s). You can also add additional filters to your list to help you sort out your list, or type in a search term using the search boxes below the list.

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Step 6

If you wish, you can choose to email Summary Reports to your Volunteer Coordinator. Click Send Shift Invitations to invite the volunteer(s) for the selected shift(s).

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Step 7a

If you clicked "Assign Multiple Shifts at Once" (in Step 3), you will have the option to assign a volunteer / invite them to multiple shifts, or just one shift.

First choose / verify the options selected in the Options box.

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Step 7b

Next choose your volunteers and invite them to a single shift or multiple shifts.

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Step 7c

If you wish, you can choose to email Summary Reports to your Volunteer Coordinator. Click Send Shift Invitations to invite the volunteer(s) for the selected shift(s).

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